How do I convert from a .r64 file to a .BFML file

In the case where you have an older BitFlow frame grabber (Neon/Karbon family), and you are upgrading to the Axion-CL family, you do need to convert your .r64 file to a .BFML file. Simply email the .r64 file to and we will create the equivalent .BFML file for you.

What is the max cable length I can run between my CL frame grabber and my camera?

First, you need to know the clock speed of the camera, as different frequencies can affect the cable length.
With Camera Link Base, the max cable length is 10m, regardless of the clock speed.

For the other camera link modes, (Medium, Full, 80-bit), the max length at 85 Mhz is 5m, at 66 Mhz is 7m and at 40 Mhz is 10m.

Please note that the max. cable length may vary from cable to cable. BitFlow recommends cables purchased from the following companies

CEI, 3M, Hewtech, Intercon1

What are camera files and how do I identify them

BitFlow offers cameras files for almost all of the current Camera Link and CoaXPress cameras that are on the market. In addition to this, you can have camera files for various options that the cameras offer, things like triggers (HW and SW), free running, different ROI to what the sensor offers etc.  In the part we have offered camera files for Analog and Differential cameras.  These files are still available today.

The table here shows which camera files are associated with with frame grabbers

Frame grabbersTypeAssociated file extension
Claxon FXP
Claxon CXP
Cyton CXP
Axion CLCamera Link.bfml
Karbon CL
Neon CL
Camera Link.r64
Alta AN*Analog.anlg
Karbon CXP*CoaXPress.kcxp
Neon DIFDifferential.NDif
R2/R3*Camera Link.rcl

When you download the SDK the camera files will be stored on your hard drive in the following folder
The naming convention is as follows

Manufacturer – Camera maker
Model – Camera model
Resolution – Size of acquired image
BitTap – Bitdepth (E = 8 bits, T = 10 bits, W = 12 bits, F = 14 bits, S = 16 bits) and Number of taps (2 – 10)
Mode – Triggered and/or encoder mode

An example would be the following

What is Camera Link?

Camera Link is Machine Vision camera to frame grabber digital interconnect standard. Camera link use a serializer/deserializer to use transmit high speed digital data over a very small number of wires. Camera Link comes in three versions: Base (up to 24 bits), Medium (up to 48 bits), Full (up to 64 bits) and 80-bit (up to 80 bits, duh). The maximum Camera Link data clock is 85 MHz. This means the maximum data rate of Camera Link (using 80 bit mode) is 850 MB/S.

BitFlow’s Neon and Axion families are Camera Link frame grabbers.

Camera Link is standard hosted by the Automate Imaging Association. For more information on the standard please visit